2004-09-20 - 8:22 a.m.

Starzero write: "what drives one to exhibit one's life on diaryland? to advertise it with banner ads? to tell everyone, known and unknown, real and anonymous, about the most personal details of one's life? when you know your reasons, let me know. i won't judge, i have my own."

A conglomerate of reasons come to mind. Human nature is to crave normality, to be that round peg that fits in the round hole. Most people have the driving need to feel wanted, to feel important, to feel as if they have some relevancy to their lives. We seek out to fill this need in many ways, diaryland perhaps being one of them. Who could, with the itching for the written word, resist to fill that need here? Its anonymous, no risk of being truly judged for who you are, because you can tailor yourself to be whomever you want...or expose your self down to the skeleton. You can create little adds of your personality, and rejoice when a voice out of the masses stumbles across your little creation and says "Hey I like this..."

If you mean, "Hey Julia, why do you write on Diaryland, are you vain?" Then I would have to say, I don't know. Maybe I am? Maybe we all are? If that is vanity, then my vanity lies in the need to relay my words to people. Translate the images in my mind to the page, to evoke emotion. To play with words until the reader stops, feeling the silent core of the meaning absorb slowly, through all the layers. We create so many walls to separate ourselves, I like to touch the string of the instrument that vibrates-we are all, fundamentally familiar.

So if you like it, then I am pleased. If you don't like it, that's all right too. Not everyone speaks the same language. I am thankful to those of you who do read of me, both here and on breakthedark. It's nice to know we're not alone...don't you think?

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